Talent is personality in the right place.
We serve our clients with commitment and in the firm belief that there is the right position for every personality in a company or organization. We are consultants, business psychologists with different specializations and work with strong partners and scientifically recognized methods. Depending on the respective customer requirements, we put together an individual package of measures, the goal of which is to achieve a significant improvement of the status quo. The certainty that we can offer you measurable added value motivates us every day to do our best for your success.
Unsere Partner – eine langjährige und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit
Erfolg braucht starke, strategische Partner!
Wie unsere Kunden legen auch wir bei der Wahl unserer Partner größten Wert auf Qualität und Verlässlichkeit. Deshalb arbeiten wir grundsätzlich mit Experten ihres jeweiligen Gebietes zusammen.
Gerne stellen wir Ihnen aktuelle Projekte in einem persönlichen Gespräch vor.
For every personality there is the right place in the company. It doesn’t matter whether applicants or high potentials are being sought, whether specialists and executives are to be promoted in a targeted manner or whether teams are to be put together in the best possible way. We accompany companies in all these processes and provide them with individual and customized advice.
How do we do this? CEO Nicole Neubauer answers these and other questions in an interview.
“metaBeratung not only offers a professionally conducted/accompanied personality inventory, but also strong training competencies. They understand how to continue the individual examination of personal strengths very effectively in a classroom/group setting to further increase the learning effect for course participants.”
Melissa Reynolds M.Sc. lic. oec. HSG
Senior Programme Manager for Diversity & Leadership Programmes
Unsere Partner – eine langjährige und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit
metaBeratung vertreibt als autorisierter Distributor seit 2005 Persönlichkeitstests von Hogan Assessment Systems in D, A, CH und bietet zudem Hogan-Zertifizierungen an. Für die Hochschule St. Gallen unterstützen wir als Partner das Aiming Higher Women’s Leadership Programme. Seit 2016 sind wir zudem Partner der IMD Business School in Lausanne und führen entsprechende Programme zur Führungskräfteentwicklung durch. Ein weiterer Partner ist Kaiser Leadership Solutions. Deren 360 Grad-Feedback mit dem Leadership Versatility Index ist für uns die ideale Ergänzung zum Hogan Persönlichkeitstest.
Contact us
Do you have questions about our consulting services or other concerns? We look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible.